I wouldn’t have traded doing Explorations for the world.
Are you considering Tufts or already planning to enroll? Welcome to the Experimental College! We hope you’ll get involved in the ExCollege from the beginning. Here’s a mini overview of what you can do your first semester:
Explorations are 3-credit courses that count toward graduation and that connect you to a faculty advisor. They cover a wide range of topics and are taught by upper-level students who are also your peer advisors and can help you get adjusted to all things Tufts. The classes are small, so you get to know other new students fast. A list of Explorations courses will be provided in June when you select an Advising Option.
You can take an ExCollege course your first semester, too. They cover all kinds of interdisciplinary subjects that you won’t find in other departments at Tufts, and there are new courses every semester. Most are 3-credit, letter-graded, and have no more than twenty students. Many are taught by professionals who bring real-world experience, like judges, urban planners, entrepreneurs, nonprofit leaders, and performers. Get an idea of the types of courses we offer.
Help select our courses, plan events, or spread the word on social media! Learn more about these opportunities, and about the peer teaching programs you can apply to later.
Feel free to contact us, or stop by the ExCollege if you're on campus.
I wouldn’t have traded doing Explorations for the world.