
ExCollege offers creative collaboration between students and faculty

ExCollege offers creative collaboration between students and faculty

From its earliest inception, the Experimental College has emphasized creative collaboration between students and faculty across disciplines to shape new courses and programs.

The ExCollege was instrumental in establishing TUTV and many film-related courses and opportunities. The popularity of these courses led directly to establishing the Film and Media Studies program.

In 2018, several new collaborations were launched: the Career Center developed a course for entering students titled Designing Your Tufts; Dean of Student Affairs Mary Pat McMahon teamed with a student to co-teach Hamilton: In Context, inspired by the musical; and the Cummings School of Veterinary Medicine brought the One Health: Animal, Human, and Environmental Connections to the Medford/Somerville campus.

In addition, the ExCollege regularly offers courses in conjunction with the Jonathan M. Tisch College of Civic Life, and the Writing Fellows Program

The ExCollege also organizes a range of programs, forums, speakers, and independent study opportunities which engage students and faculty with current issues. We are always open to new partnerships that will enrich the Tufts community.

Please contact us with your ideas.